Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Writing

It's almost summer time and it's time to get writing. So, what's to keep you motivated? You can you be held accountable to, without paying someone $100/hour?

I love writing contests because they hit both counts...they keep you motivated and they hold you accountable. If you know a contest is coming up, you have a deadline to meet. And, best of all, once you enter the contest you are held accountable. You hopefully will win or be a finalist!

Setting time aside to write is easy. The hard part is making the words on the screen, paper, or whatever medium you decide to use. Just remember, it doesn't have to be perfect when you start...just start. It can be as simple as random thoughts.

I like to just sit down at the computer and empty my head of thoughts. I don't even look at what I'm typing, I just get my thoughts out of my head and on to a Word document. Once I'm done, I can go back and read what I have on the screen. It may be that day or days later. The point is that you jot your ideas down so you  can revisit them as a date in the near future.

So, get writing...anything...and enter a contest. There are plenty of good contests out there. Signing up for a new contest is great because you stand a better chance of actually placing. Here's one new one that you may want to enter -

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding a Writing Coach

So you want to write a book but you don't have a clue how to go about it. You need someone to point you in the right direction, encourage you to write each day or week. You need someone that can read your work and guide you to expand on a topic or retract.

So you ask yourself, 'does this person exist?' Yes, as a matter of fact they do. You're looking for a book coach. You need someone that is positive and similar in mind to you. You also need someone that is a good editor and can offer positive feedback. There are many book coaches, but finding the right one for you is really important. Set up a conference call and interview the coach. Find out who they have coached. Get a reference from them. Ask them to edit a couple pages to see what their style is like. You're going to be spending a lot of time with this person and you really need to trust their judgement.

Most coaches charge between $30 - $60/hour. Usually you get what you pay for so don't go too cheap. If they haven't been in the publishing industry very long they may not understand the in's and out's. Word of mouth is usually the best, but if you don't know anyone then you can look online.

SERA Publishing offers coaching for $45/hour and has been in the business for 14 years. Other options include Becky Levine. You can find her on facebook or her website

Enjoy your hunt and get into the groove, start writing!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Get Going on that book

So you wanna write a book. Do you want to talk about it or do it? Believe me, I've talked to many people that just want to talk about it. The idea of a completed book, saying "I'm a published author" and showing off your stuff is all good. . . but the completed project takes some discipline, work, and dedication.

Here are a few suggestions to get you going. 

1) Start with an outline. You need a map to keep you headed in the right direction. Begin with a synopsis of the book and then move on to outline the chapters.

2) Set a timeline. Most of us have full time jobs outside of writing so I recommend setting up a weekly timeline.  The first draft should take you somewhere between 90 - 180 days.

3) Begin writing and don't stop to make edits, just keep writing.

4) Once you complete your first draft go back over it and compare it to your outline. Make your revisions.

5) Have several trusted friends read your work. You may want to join a writers group for input too.

6) Enter contests.

7) Find an agent or self publish.

8) Market the heck out of your masterpiece and treat yourself to a book party! 

Happy writing! And, let me know what challenges you have.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

So you wanna get published?

Where do you start when you're considering publishing a book? Write a book, rewrite a book, more rewrites, find an agent, hope for a book deal, wait, wait, wait. Maybe you get a book deal and give up 60 - 80% of your're lucky to get an advertising or marketing budget.  And, god forbid the book goes out of print.....I know too many people that have run into this issue. 

What's the alternative? Self publishing is the new trend and even more so....ebooks. What if you could keep 60% of your sales, get free marketing, and be in control of look and feel of your book/ebook. I'm suggesting going cyber. 

There are many good publishing companies out there that will format your book into an ebook for you. SERA Publishing does work with each author on a one on one basis.  Make sure you have control over your book and make sure you get the copyright in your name. Any good publishing house should be able to do the copyright for you.

For more information go to or email